
Coordinates Field

Last modified: February 26, 2025


The Coordinates Field in WPForms Geolocation enables you to capture precise latitude and longitude values, ideal for mapping, spatial analytics, or location-based services. Designed for seamless integration, it synchronizes with the Geocoder Field and other geolocation fields to dynamically update and display geolocation data.

Note: this documentation focuses on the geolocation-specific options provided by the WPForms Geolocation plugin. In addition to these settings, the field includes all standard WPForms options, such as labels, descriptions, conditional logic, and more, which can be configured the same way as any other WPForms field.

Configuring the Coordinates Field

The following options allow you to customize the Coordinates Field to meet your specific needs. From synchronizing with the Geocoder Field to customizing input labels and placeholders, these settings ensure accurate geolocation data capture and seamless integration within your forms.

Coordinates field options
Coordinates Field options configuration panel.

1. Geocoder Field

Select the Geocoder Field to synchronize with this Coordinates Field, ensuring accurate latitude and longitude updates based on geocoded data..

Note: Ensure a Geocoder Field has been added to your form. For setup instructions, refer to the Geocoder Field Documentation.

2. Latitude Field

Customize the settings for the latitude input field, including the label and placeholder text.

Note: Leave blank to hide these options.

Latitude Label

Customize the label for the latitude input field (Default: Latitude).

Latitude Placeholder

Define placeholder text for the latitude input field (Default: Latitude).

3. Longitude Field

Customize the settings for the longitude input field, including the label and placeholder text.

Note: Leave blank to hide these options.

Longitude Label

Customize the label for the longitude input field (Default: Longitude).

Longitude Placeholder

Define placeholder text for the longitude input field (Default: Longitude).

Setting Up and Using the Coordinates Field

Follow these steps to configure and use the Coordinates Field effectively:

  1. Add the Coordinates Field: Insert it into your form using the WPForms builder.
  2. Sync with a Geocoder Field: Select a Geocoder Field to sync with this field, enabling dynamic updates to latitude and longitude values and syncing with other geolocation fields.
  3. Set Up the Field Options: Configure the field as detailed in the Configuring the Coordinates Field section above.
  4. Test Your Configuration: Preview the form to ensure the Coordinates Field is functioning as intended.